Sunday 29 May 2011

wonder?do i? :~bell's pulsy

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

alhamdullilah syukur sgt2.arini practikal physio dah lepas, oral for little bit question have been make mistake but there nothing is everything in perfect..make me feel better for today..hahaha.(enjoy)....little only.walhal bru 2 exam berlalu.[1st practical histo....woooo banyak tue kne pulun untuk marks..kne pulun otak kt written n oral tue.....]apapun kne tawakal yang tinggi dr mula hingga saat result dan selepas result.insyallah2 mumtaz..ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn2.

ap yang buat saya rasa lega utk 2nd pract arini.saya pulun baca.betul fhm dan ingt.dan kne ingt forever as being to be a doctor in future...while i m studying this, i always remember the word come out from doctor.she said you will appreciate the cranial nerve when u get the lesion...sseram wooooo..doc ckp cm tuh.that why lah doc ask to remember by heart not by hafal semata2. alhamdullilah i do my best for this time practical.insyallah ok je.doakan saya dan kwn2.

one of cranial nerve i want to story today is;facial nerve.

one type of mixed motor and sensory.also have parasympathetic accompany it.

for supply our tongue,anterior 2/3 as taste sensation.(but remember that trigeminal also supply it as general sensation)..ok next is motor function, motor for muscle of facial expression(frontalis,orbicularis oculi,buccinator and orbicularis oris-FOOBOO-) then for parasympathetic, it supply submandibular[, sublingual and our lacrimal gland(tear formation)..

aisyhhhh..banyak tue.penting2.lagi2 kat mesir ni, jln2 pndang2 lah sekeliling anda. ad je yang kne lesion for this type of nerve. most popular lesion is bell's pulsy.which are lesion of LMNL or lower motor neuron lesion...upper and lower half of face is affected on sameside.truk kan???cmner nak tau...emmm.for upper half face;what will we see is inability to closure their eye,no wrinkle on forehead,can't raise their eyebrow, while lesion for lower half are;dropping angle of mouth and absence of nasolabial fold on affected side,deviation o mouth on healthy side,can't whistle and resist air from come out when blow cheek.and also no emotion movement at all.paralysis tue.......

gambar contoh:

ok lah sampai sini.nk stay rest for few hour......::))

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